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Aptitude Pipes and Cisterns Test Yourself

2802.Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 30 minutes respectively. If both the pipes are used together, then how long will it take to fill the tank?
12 min
15 min
25 min
50 min

Part filled by A in 1 min =$ \dfrac{1}{20} $.

Part filled by B in 1 min =$ \dfrac{1}{30} $.

Part filled by $\left(A + B\right)$ in 1 min =$ \left(\dfrac{1}{20} +\dfrac{1}{30} \right) $=$ \dfrac{1}{12} $.

$\therefore$ Both pipes can fill the tank in 12 minutes.

2803.Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 5 and 6 hours respectively. Pipe C can empty it in 12 hours. If all the three pipes are opened together, then the tank will be filled in:
1$ \dfrac{13}{17} $hours
2$ \dfrac{8}{11} $hours
3$ \dfrac{9}{17} $hours
4$ \dfrac{1}{2} $hours

Net part filled in 1 hour$ \left(\dfrac{1}{5} +\dfrac{1}{6} -\dfrac{1}{12} \right) $=$ \dfrac{17}{60} $.

$\therefore$ The tank will be full in$ \dfrac{60}{17} $hours i.e., 3$ \dfrac{9}{17} $hours.

2805.One pipe can fill a tank three times as fast as another pipe. If together the two pipes can fill the tank in 36 minutes, then the slower pipe alone will be able to fill the tank in:
81 min.
108 min.
144 min.
192 min.

Let the slower pipe alone fill the tank in $ x $ minutes.

Then, faster pipe will fill it in$ \dfrac{x}{3} $minutes.

$\therefore \dfrac{1}{x} $+$ \dfrac{3}{x} $=$ \dfrac{1}{36} $

$\Rightarrow \dfrac{4}{x} $=$ \dfrac{1}{36} $

$\Rightarrow x $ = 144 min.

2806.Two pipes A and B can separately fill a cistern in 40 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. There is a third pipe in the bottom of the cistern to empty it. If all the three pipes are simultaneously opened, then the cistern is full in 20 minutes. In how much time, the third pipe alone can empty the cistern?
120 min
100 min
140 min
80 min

Part filled by pipe A in 1 minute =$\dfrac{1}{40}$

Part filled by pipe B in 1 minute $=\dfrac{1}{30}$

Net part filled by pipe A, pipe B and the third pipe together in 1 minute =$\dfrac{1}{20}$

Therefore, part emptied by the third pipe in 1 minute =$\dfrac{1}{40}+\dfrac{1}{30}-\dfrac{1}{20}=\dfrac{3+4-6}{120}=\dfrac{1}{120}$

i.e., third pipe alone can empty the cistern in 120 minutes.

44346.Two pipes P1 and P2 can separately fill a cistern in 30 and 20 minutes respectively and a waste pipe P3 can carry off 11 litres per minute. If all the pipes are opened when the cistern is full,it is emptied in 42 hours. How many litres does the cistern hold?
131.4 litre
132 litre
130 litre
135 litre

Part filled by P1 in 1 minute =1/30
Suppose P3 can empty the cistern in x minutes. Then,
Part emptied by P3 in 1 minute =1/x
Net part emptied by all pipes together in 1 min
i.e., P3 alone can empty the cistern in $\dfrac{2520}{211}$ minutes.
Capacity of the cistern =$\dfrac{2520}{211}$×11≈131.4 litre

44347.A tap takes 36 hours extra to fill a tank due to a leakage equivalent to half of its inflow. The inflow can fill in how many hours?

Let inflow alone can fill the tank in x hours.
Then, the leak alone can empty the tank in 2x hours.
Part filled by the inflow in 1 hour =$\dfrac{1}{x}$
Part emptied by the leak in 1 hour =$\dfrac{1}{2x}$
Net part filled by the inflow and the leak in 1 hour =$\dfrac{1}{x+36}$

44348.A tap takes 36 hours extra to fill a tank due to a leakage equivalent to half of its inflow. The inflow can fill in how many hours?One pipe can fill a tank three times as fast as another pipe. If together, the two pipes can fill the tank in 36 minutes, then the faster pipe alone will be able to fill the tank in
48 minutes
47 minutes
46 minutes
50 minutes
The faster pipe is equivalent to 3 slower pipes. Both them together is equivalent to 4 slower pipes.
Therefore, 4 slower pipes together can fill the tank in 36 minutes.
=> 1 slower pipe can fill the tank in 36×4 minute.
=> 1 faster pipe can fill the tank in $\dfrac{36×4}{3}$=48 minutes.
44349.Two pipes can fill a tank in 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. Both pipes are opened simultaneously. When the tank should have been full, it is found that the waste pipe was open.Then the waste pipe was closed and in another 4 minutes, the tank was full. In what time would the waste pipe empty it.
35 minutes
36 minutes
37 minutes
38 minutes
The first two pipes together can fill the tank in $\dfrac{20×30}{20+30}$=12 minutes.
Therefore, quantity filled by first pipe and second pipe together in 4 minutes is equal to quantity emptied by waste pipe in 12 minutes.
i.e., quantity filled by first pipe and second pipe together in 12 minutes is equal to quantity emptied by waste pipe in 36 minutes.
i.e., waste pipe can empty the tank in 36 minutes.
44350.A and B can fill a cistern in 7.5 minutes and 5 minutes respectively and C can carry off 14litres per minute. If the cistern is already full and all the three pipes are opened, then it is emptied in 1 hour. How many litres can it hold? Pipe A in
60 minute can pipe in liquid equal to $\dfrac{60}{7.5}$=8 times the capacity of the cistern.
Pipe B in 60 minute can pipe in liquid equal to $\dfrac{60}{5}$=12 times the capacity of the cistern.
Tank was full when all the three pipes were opened. So, pipe C emptied liquid equal to 8+12+1=21 times the capacity of the cistern in 1 hour.
i.e., 21 times the capacity of the cistern =14×60
Capacity of the tank =$\dfrac{14×60}{21}$=40 litre
44351.Pipes A and B can fill a cistern in 15 hours together. But if these pipes operate separately A takes 40 hours less than B to fill the tank. In how many hours the pipe A will fill the cistern working alone?
Suppose B alone takes x hours to fill the cistern.
Then, A alone takes (x−40) hours to fill the cistern
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