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Aptitude Races And Games Test Yourself

2965.In a 100 m race, A can give B 10 m and C 28 m. In the same race B can give C:
18 m
20 m
27 m
9 m

A : B = 100 : 90.

A : C = 100 : 72.

B : C =$ \dfrac{B}{A} \times \dfrac{A}{C} $=$ \dfrac{90}{100} \times \dfrac{100}{72} $=$ \dfrac{90}{72} $.

When B runs 90 m, C runs 72 m.

When B runs 100 m, C runs$ \left(\dfrac{72}{90} \times 100\right) $m= 80 m.

$\therefore$ B can give C 20 m.

2966.A and B take part in 100 m race. A runs at 5 kmph. A gives B a start of 8 m and still beats him by 8 seconds. The speed of B is:
5.15 kmph
4.14 kmph
4.25 kmph
4.4 kmph

As speed =$ \left(5 \times\dfrac{5}{18} \right) $m/sec=$ \dfrac{25}{18} $m/sec.

Time taken by A to cover 100 m =$ \left(100 \times\dfrac{18}{25} \right) $sec= 72 sec.

$\therefore$ Time taken by B to cover 92 m = (72 + 8) = 80 sec.

$\therefore$ Bs speed =$ \left(\dfrac{92}{80} \times\dfrac{18}{5} \right) $kmph= 4.14 kmph.

2967.In a 500 m race, the ratio of the speeds of two contestants A and B is 3 : 4. A has a start of 140 m. Then, A wins by:
60 m
40 m
20 m
10 m

To reach the winning post A will have to cover a distance of $\left(500 - 140\right)$m, i.e., 360 m.

While A covers 3 m, B covers 4 m.

While A covers 360 m, B covers$ \left(\dfrac{4}{3} \times 360\right) $m= 480 m.

Thus, when A reaches the winning post, B covers 480 m and therefore remains 20 m


$\therefore$ A wins by 20 m.

2968.In a 100 m race, A beats B by 10 m and C by 13 m. In a race of 180 m, B will beat C by:
5.4 m
4.5 m
5 m
6 m

A : B = 100 : 90.

A : C = 100 : 87.

$ \dfrac{B}{C} $=$ \dfrac{B}{A} \times \dfrac{A}{C} $=$ \dfrac{90}{100} \times \dfrac{100}{87} $=$ \dfrac{30}{29} $.

When B runs 30 m, C runs 29 m.

When B runs 180 m, C runs$ \left(\dfrac{29}{30} \times 180\right) $m= 174 m.

$\therefore$ B beats C by $\left(180 - 174\right)$ m = 6 m.

2969.At a game of billiards, A can give B 15 points in 60 and A can give C to 20 points in 60. How many points can B give C in a game of 90?
30 points
20 points
10 points
12 points

A : B = 60 : 45.

A : C = 60 : 40.

$\therefore \dfrac{B}{C} $=$ \left(\dfrac{B}{A} \times\dfrac{A}{C} \right) $=$ \left(\dfrac{45}{60} \times\dfrac{60}{40} \right) $=$ \dfrac{45}{40} $=$ \dfrac{90}{80} $= 90 : 80.

$\therefore$ B can give C 10 points in a game of 90.

2980.In a 100 metres race. A runs at a speed of 2 metres per seconds. If A gives B a start of 4 metres and still beats him by 10 seconds, find the speed of B.
1.6 m/sec.
4 m/sec.
2.6 m/sec.
1 m/sec.

Speed of A = 2 m/s

$\text{Time taken by A to run 100 m }\dfrac{\text{distance}}{\text{speed}}=\dfrac{100}{2}\text{ = 50 seconds}$

A gives B a start of 4 metres and still A beats him by 10 seconds

=> B runs $\left(100-4\right)$=96 m in $\left(50+10\right)$=60 seconds

$\text{Speed of B = }\dfrac{\text{distance}}{\text{time}}=\dfrac{96}{60}\text{ = 1.6 m/s}$

2981.P runs 1 km in 3 minutes and Q in 4 minutes 10 secs. How many metres start can P give Q in 1 kilometre race, so that the race may end in a dead heat?
210 metre
180 metre
220 metre
280 metre

P run 1 km in 3 minutes

Q run 1 km in 4 minutes 10 secs

$\text{=> Q runs 1 km in }\dfrac{25}{6}\text{ minutes}$

$\text{=> Q runs }\left(1 \times \dfrac{6}{25} \times 3\right)= \dfrac{18}{25} = 0.72\text{ km in 3 minutes}$

Hence, in a 1 km race, P can give Q $\left(1 - 0.72\right)$=0.28 km = 280 metre

2983.In a 100 metres race, A can beat B by 10 metres and B can beat C by 5 metres. In the same race, A can beat C by
14.5 metre
14 metre
15.5 metre
15 metre

While A runs 100 metre, B runs $\left(100-10\right)$=90 metre

While B runs 100 metre, C runs $\left(100-5\right)$=95 metre

$\text{=> While B runs 90 metre, C run }\dfrac{95}{100} \times 90 = \dfrac{95 \times 9}{10}\text{ = 85.5 metre}$

ie, when A run 100 metre, B run 90 metre and C run 85.5 metre

Hence, A beat C by $\left(100-85.5\right)$= 14.5 metre

2984.X, Y and Z are the three contestants in one km race. If X can give Y a start of 52 metres and X can also give Z a start of 83 metres, how many metres start Y can give Z?
33.3 m
33 m
32 m
32.7 m

While X runs 1000 metre, Y runs $\left(1000-52\right)$=948 metre and Z runs $\left(1000-83\right)$=917 metre

i.e., when Y runs 948 metre, Z runs 917 metre

$\text{=> When Y runs 1000 metre, Z runs }\dfrac{917}{948} \times 1000\text{ = 967.30 metre}$

i.e., Y can give Z $\left(1000-967.30\right)$ = 32.7 metre

2987.In one km race A beats B by 4 seconds or 40 metres. How long does B take to run the kilometer?
112 sec
110 sec
101 sec
100 sec

This means, B takes 4 seconds to run 40 metres

$\text{=> B takes }\dfrac{4}{40} = \dfrac{1}{10}\text{ seconds to run 1 metre}$

$\text{=> B takes }\dfrac{1}{10} \times 1000 = 100 \text{ seconds to run 1000 metre}$

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