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NEET - Biology Transport in Plants Practice Q & A

15869.Which of the following force is responsible for raising water up to 100 m of tall plants?
Root pressure
Capillary action
Transpiration pull
Air pressure
15870.Turgidity of the cells is maintained by
osmotic pressure
wall pressure
turgor pressure
diffusion pressure
15871.The amount of water held by the soil after drainage is known as
Mineral water
Soil water
Field capacity
Gravitational capacity
15872.Wilting of a plant results from excessive
15873.The rupture and fractionation do not usually occur in the water column in vessel/ tracheids during the ascent of sap because of:
Cohesion and adhesion
Lignified thick walls
Transpiration pull
Weak gravitational pull
15874.The carbohydrates synthesized in the leaves are transported through sieve tubes most commonly in the form of
triose sugar
soluble starch
15875.According to Steward`s starch hydrolysis theory, which one of the following is the principal reason for the opening of stomata during daytime?
Photosynthetic utilization of CO2 in guard cells.
Influx of K+ ions into guard cells under the influence of ABA hormone.
Conversion of sugar into starch in guard cells.
Efflux of K+ ions from guard cells under the influence of ABA hormone.
15876.The sugarcane Plant has
reticulate venation
pentamerous flowers
dumb bell-shaped guard cells
capsular fruits
15877.The phytohormone, which increases the concentration of potassium in guard cells is also responsible for the induction of
Cell division
Triple response growth
Apical dominance
15878.Potometer works on the principle of
Osmotic pressure
Amount of water absorbed equals the amount transpired
Potential difference between the tip of the tube and that of the plant
Root pressure
15879.The first process by which water enters into the seed coat when a seed is placed in suitable environment for germination is
None of these
15880.Cohesion theory of water movement in plants was put forth by
Henry Dixon
F. F. Blackman
Melvin cycle
Hans. A. Krebs
15881.Study the following table showing the components of water potential in closely arranged mesophyll cells namely A, B and C.
CellOsmotic Potential (MPa)Pressure Potential (MPa)
A– 0.210.05
B– 0.220.02
C– 0.230.05

Identify two of the following which show correct direction of water movement between two cells.
I. A → B
II. B → C
III. C → A
IV. C → B
The correct pair is
15882.Stomata open is due to accumulation of
15883.Which of the following is the most accepted theory for movement of water through plants?
Passive transport
Cohesion theory
Root pressure

Assertion:When dried seeds of pea are placed in a tin and water added up to their upper level and then a lid is put lightly over it. Within an hour, the lid will be blown off.

Reason: Due to rapid cell division in pea seeds.

Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanations of Assertion.
Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
Both Assertion and Reason are false.
15885.Attraction of water molecules to polar surfaces is known as
Surface tension
15886.Which of the following is not a purpose of transpiration?
Supplies water for photosynthesis
Helps in translocation of sugars from source to sink
Maintains shape and structure of the plants
Transports minerals from the soil to all parts of the plant
15887.When the conditions are dry, a grass leaf curls inward to minimize water loss due to presence of
Thick cuticle
Large xylem cavities
Parallel venation
Bulliform cells
15888.Guard cells help in
Protection against grazing
Fighting against infection
15889.Which one of the following denotes the water potential of the mesophyll cell in wilted condition?
Greater than the value of its osmotic potential
Equal to the value of pressure potential
Equal to the value of osmotic potential
Equal to zero
15890.Identify the correct relationship with reference to water potential of a plant cell.
ψw = ψm + ψs + ψp
ψw = ψm + (ψs – ψp)
ψw = ψm – (ψs + ψp)
ψw = ψm – ψs – ψp
15891.The values osmotic potential π and pressure potential ρ of cells A, B, C and D are given below:
Cell A–1.00.5
Cell B–0.60.3
Cell C–1.20.6
Cell D–0.80.4

Identify the correct sequence that shows the path of movement of water from among the following:
D → C → A → B
B → D → A → C
B → C → D → A
C → B → A → D
15892.Steroid hormones easily pass through the plasma membrane by simple diffusion because they
Enter through pores
Contain carbon and hydrogen
Are water soluble
Are lipid soluble

Assertion (A): K+ ion accumulation found in Nitella depends on its respiratory activity.

Reason (R): Absorption of all ions in plants completely depends on the usage of metabolic energy.

The correct answer is

A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
A is true but R is false
A is false but R is true
15894.Guttation is the result of
Root pressure
15895.Humidity in atmosphere decreases rate of
15896.Living cells placed in isotonic solution (0.9% saline) retain their size and shape. This is based on the concept of
Facilitated diffusion
15897.Hydathodes are also called
guard cells
sunken stomata
water stomata
subsidiary cells
15898.When pea seeds and wheat grains are soaked in water, pea seeds showed more swelling than the wheat. The reason is
Cell membrane of pea seeds is more permeable
Presence of less hydrophilic colloids in the wheat grains
Imbibition capacity of proteins is more than that of starch
Cell walls of wheat grains are less permeable
15899.A soil sample is found to have 25% of its volume occupied by soil water. Of this, 10% is hygroscopic water and .the remaining is capillary water. What is the field capacity of this soil?
15900.When the concentration of the soil solutes is low, the absorption of water is
Remain normal
15901.Which one of the followings establishes the barrier to the apoplastic movement of solutes into the vascular cylinder?
Intracellular spaces
Plasma membrane
Casparian strips
15902.The direction of water in the leaflets of Cycas from midrib is
both downward and upward
15903.Study the following lists and choose the correct option.
 List - I List - II
A.Water potential of 10% salt solutionI.Positive
B.Pressure potential in a normal cellII.Negative
C.Pressure potential in a plasmolysed cellIII.Positive
C.Metric potential on the surface of the woodIV.Negative

The correct match is :
A - II, B - III, C - V, D - IV
A - III, B - IV, C - II, D - I
A - I, B - II, C - IV, D - III
A - V, B - IV, C - II, D - I
15904.Two cells A and B are contiguous. Cell A has osmotic pressure 10 atm, turgor pressure 7 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 3 atm. Cell B has osmotic pressure 8 atm, turgor pressure 3 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 5 atm. The result will be:
No movement of water
Movement of water from cell B to A
Movement of water from cell A to B
Equilibrium between the two
15905.Munch hypothesis is based on
Translocation of food due to imbibition force.
Translocation of food due to TP gradient and imbibition force.
Translocation of food due to Turgor Pressure (TP) gradient.
None of these
15906.The translocation of organic solutes in sieve tube members is supported by
Root pressure and transpiration pull
Cytoplasmic streaming
Mass flow involving a carrier and ATP
15907.Column I lists some principles, pertaining to physiology of plants. Column II lists the names of scientists who proposed the idea. Match the two columns. Identify the correct choice from those given
Column - IColumn - II
A.Mass flow hypothesisp.J. C. Bose
B.Relay pump theoryq.Strasburger
C.Transpiration pull theoryr.Munch
D.Pulsatile movement theorys.Godlewski
t.Dixon and Jolly
A - r, B - s, C - p, D - t
A - r, B - s, C - t, D- p
A - s, B - r, C - t, D - p
A - s, B - r, C - p, D - t
15908.Opening and closing of stomata is due to the:
Gaseous exchange
Change in Turgor pressure of guard cells
Hormonal change in guard cells
15909.Phenylmercuric acetate
reduces transpiration rate
reduces photosynthesis
reduces respiration
kills the plant
15910.If water enters in a cell, the pressure exerted by its swollen protoplast is
Osmotic pressure
Diffusion pressure deficit
Turgor pressure
15911.In soil, water available for plants is
Capillary water
Hygroscopic water
Gravitational water
Chemically bound water
15912.Graham`s Law is correlated with
15913.Due to low atmospheric pressure, the rate of transpiration will
decrease rapidly
decrease slowly
remain unaffected
15914.With an increase in the turgidity of a cell, the wall pressure will
remain unchanged
15915.Transport of food material in higher plants takes place through
Transfusion tissue
Companion cells
Sieve elements
15916.The transpiration is regulated by the movements of
Subsidiary cells of the leaves
Guard cells of the stomata
Mesophyll tissue cells
Epidermal cells of the leaves
15917.The osmotic potential and pressure potential of three cells (A, B, C) located in different parts of an actively transpiring plant are given below:
CellOsmotic Potential (MPa)Pressure Potential (MPa)
A– 0.870.44
B– 0.920.34
C– 0.680.27

Identify these three cells as root hair, root cortical and leaf mesophyll cells respectively. The correct answer is
C, A, B
A, C, B
A, B, C
B, C, A
15918.Passage cells are thin-walled cells found in:
Phloem elements that serve as entry points for substances for transport to other plant parts
Endodermis of roots facilitating rapid transport of water from cortex to pericycle
Central region of style through which the pollen tube grows towards the ovary
Testa of seeds to enable emergence of growing embryonic axis during seed germination
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