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Eesha has a wheat business. She purchases wheat from a local wholesaler of a particular cost per pound. The price of the wheat of her stores is $3 per kg. Her faulty spring balance reads 0.9 kg for a KG. Also in the festival season, she gives a 10% discount on the wheat. She found that she made neither a profit nor a loss in the festival season. At what price did Eesha purchase the wheat from the wholesaler ?


Faulty spring balance reads 0.9 kg for a kg" means that she sells 1 kg for the price of 0.9 kgs, so she looses

10% of the price because of the faulty spring balance. She looses another 10% because of the discount.So, she actually sells 1 kg for 3 $\times$ 0.9 $\times$ 0.9=2.43 and since at that price she made neither a profit nor a loss, then Eesha purchase the wheat from the wholesaler for $2.43.

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