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Best defined function of Manganese in green plants is

Photolysis of water
Water absorption
Nitrogen fixation
Calvin cycle
Additional Questions

The enzyme responsible for primary carboxylation in C3 plants is


In C3 plants, the first stable compound formed after CO2 fixation is


Chemiosmosis hypothesis given by Peter Mitchel proposes the mechanism of


The ratio between 2-carbon and 3-carbon intermediates having —NH2 group formed in photosynthetic oxidation cycle is:


The first step in photosynthesis is the


In sugarcane plant, 14CO2 is fixed in malic acid, in which the enzyme that fixes CO2 is:


In higher plants, continuity of cytoplasm from one cell to its neighbouring cells is established through


Ganong's respiroscope is used to demonstrate


Carbohydrates are commonly found as starch in plant storage organs. Which of the following five properties of starch (a - e) make it useful as a storage material?

(a) Easily translocated

(b) Chemically non-reactive

(c) Easily digested by animals

(d) Osmotically inactive

(e) Synthesized during photosynthesis

The useful properties are:


Match the phenomenon listed under column I with those listed under column II. Select the correct answer from the options given.

Column I Column II
AWarburg effectpChange in gene frequency by chance
BPasteur effectqPostponing severance in the leaves by applying cytokinin
CEmerson effectrDecline in the consumption of respiratory substrate due to a change from anaerobic to aerobic respiration
DWright effectsInhibitory effect of O2 on photosynthesis
tEnhancement of photosynthesis by subjecting chlorophyll to the effect two different wavelengths of light

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