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Assertion: Dope test is used to estimate the level of blood alcohol by analyzing the breath of persons drinking alcohol.

Reason: A drunken person usually feels tense and less talkative.

Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Assertion is true statement but Reason is false.
Both Assertion and Reason are false statements.
Additional Questions

Study the following :

1. The cells of malignant tumors divide erratically.

2. They are malignant tumors of epithelial cells.

3. They are malignant tumors of organs that originate from mesoderm.

4. These tumors are found in organs such as spleen and lymph nodes.

Which of the above are true for angiosarcoma?


The term "antibiotic" was coined by:


Which one is not helminth


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The incubation period of Hepatitis B virus is:


Which of the following birth control measure can be considered as the safest?


Study of mode of transmission of diseases is called


A localized inflammatory response appears at the site of infection causes redness, swelling, pain and heat due to certain chemical, they are

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