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Which of the following pairs of hormones are not antagonistic (having opposite effects) to each other?

Relaxin – Inhibin
Parathormone – Calcitonin
Insulin – Glucagon
Aldosterone – Atrial Natriuretic factor

Parathormone increases blood calcium level and Calcitonin decreases blood calcium levels. Hence, antagonistic.
Insulin is hypoglycaemic & Glucagon in hyperglyceamic hormone. Hence, antagonistic.
Aldosterone causes reabsorption of Na+ ions from renal tubules and Atrial Natriuretic factor causes excretion of Na+ ions from renal tubules. Hence Antagonistic.
Relaxin secreted by ovary and placenta to relax the pelvic ligaments during parturition and Inhibin is secreted by male reproductive system sertoli cells which inhibit secretion of FSH and ICSH & Ovary to inhibit FSH. Hence, not Antagonistic.
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