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100 oranges are bought at the rate of Rs. 350 and sold at the rate of Rs. 48 per dozen. The percentage of profit or loss is:

14$ \dfrac{2}{7} $% gain
15% gain
14$ \dfrac{2}{7} $% loss
15 % loss

C.P. of 1 orange = Rs.$ \left(\dfrac{350}{100} \right) $= Rs. 3.50

S.P. of 1 orange = Rs.$ \left(\dfrac{48}{12} \right) $= Rs. 4

$\therefore$ Gain% =$ \left(\dfrac{0.50}{3.50} \times 100\right) $%=$ \dfrac{100}{7} $% = 14$ \dfrac{2}{7} $%

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