Easy Tutorial
For Competitive Exams

Match list I with list II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below:

List IList II
(a) Dutch East India Company1. 1600
(b) British East India Company2. 1664
(c) French East India Company3. 1510
(d) Portuguese captured Goa4. 1602

Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)

2 1 4 3
4 1 2 3
3 4 2 1
1 3 4 2
Additional Questions

Given below are two statements, one labelled as assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R)
Assertion (A) : Indias Public Sector helped in the development of a sounds industrial base.
Reason (R) : Public Sector is under State Information Appropriate Policies and
providing financial and other support has helped the Public Sector.


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Arrange the sequences of mitosis in a logic way.
I. Centromeres of chromosomes attaches tọ spindle fibre.
II. Chromatids uncoil and cytokinesis occur
III. Asters and spindle fibres are formed.
IV. Centromers split into two, daughters centromeres move apart.

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