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The probability that a leap year will have 53 Fridays or 53 Saturdays is

There is 366 days In leap year
52 weeks * 7 days/week = 364 day
52 full weeks means -> 52 Friday
For remaining 2 days, one of the following pair is possible
(sun,Mon) (Mon,Tue) (Tue,Wed) (Wed,Thu) (Thu,Fri) (Fri,Sat) (Sat,Sun)
Out of 7 pair there is 2 pair in which 53rd Friday may come.
Probability of 53 Friday in a leap year = (Thu,Fri) (Fri,Sat) = 2/7
Out of 7 pair there is 2 pair in which 53rd Saturday may come.
Probability of 53 Saturday in a leap year = (Fri,Sat) (Sat,Sun) = 2/7



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