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Consider the following statements regarding the production and reserves of copper in India.
1. Rajasthan has the largest reserves of copper and is also the highest producer of copper in India.
2. India is self sufficient in copper production and also at times it has also exported copper to countries like Japan, South Korea etc.
3. Production of copper is a tedious job especially in India as the copper ore found in India as it is of the lower grade compared to International grade of the ore.
Which are the correct statements?

1 only.
1, 3 only.
2, 3 only.
3 only.
Rajasthan although has the highest reserves, it is not the highest producer. Madhya Pradesh is thehighest producer currently.The production of copper in India always falls short of demand and thus we import copper fromcountries like US, Japan, Canada etc.Third statement is true because in India the metal content in the ore is quite low compared tointernational average. The metal content is less than 1% in India while the international averagestands at 2.5%.
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