Easy Tutorial
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Consider the statements regarding volcanoes.
1) More than 95% of the global volcanoes are along the plate boundaries.
2) High intensity volcano types like Visuvius type, Peelean type etc are concentrated in the convergent plate boundaries.
3) Low intensity volcano like Mid Atlantic Ridge are concentrated in the divergent plate boundary regions.
Choose the correct statement/s from the following codes.

1, 2 only.
2, 3 only.
1, 3 only.
All the above.
In the convergent plate boundaries, one plate is subdued by the other plate and the platewhich is pushed underneath the other plate goes to greater depth and starts melting, thisresult in high intensity volcanoes.While in divergent plate boundaries, the plate move away from each other thus thinning thecrust and thus volcano rises easily to the surface without any force being needed to apply torise to the Earth’s surface.
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