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A train covers a distance in 50 minutes, if it runs at a speed of 48kmph on an average. Find the speed at which the train must run to reduce the time of journey to 40 minutes.

50 km/hr
60 km/hr
65 km/hr
70 km/hr

We are having time and speed given, so first we will calculate the distance. Then we can get new speed for given time and distance.
Lets solve it.
Time = 50/60 hr = 5/6 hr
Speed = 48 mph
Distance = S*T = 48 * 5/6 = 40 km
New time will be 40 minutes so,
Time = 40/60 hr = 2/3 hr
Now we know,
Speed = Distance/Time
New speed = 40*3/2 kmph = 60kmph
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