Easy Tutorial
For Competitive Exams

In the following question three numbers are given which are inter-connected in some way.Select the option that bears an analogy similar to the main words.
264 : 275 : 385

145 : 253 : 325
143 : 235 : 246
372 : 563 : 736
233 : 343 : 345
Additional Questions

Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out


Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out


Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out


Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out


Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out


Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out


Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out


Choose the right answer.
From the given choices select the odd man out


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If SHARP is coded as 58034 and PUSH as 4658, then RUSH is coded as

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