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The author introduces the example of thalidomide to show that some:

drug testing procedures are ignored by careless laboratory workers
drugs do not have the same actions in humans that they do in animals
drugs have no therapeutic value for humans
drugs are prescribed by physicians who have not read the manufacturers recommendations
Additional Questions

The author of the passage regards current drug investigation procedures as:


The author is most probably leading up to a discussion of some suggestions about how to:


The author relies on which of the following in developing the passage?


The passage suggests which of the following about the ivory ban?


The response of the countries with the worst poaching problems to the situation was most analogous to:


The passage suggests which of the following about the DNA-based map created by zoologists?


The passage is chiefly concerned with:


The passage is primarily concerned with which of the following?


The author most likely mentions the "baker" and the "cobbler" in order to:


The author most probably uses the word "startling" in reference to the Law of Comparative Advantage because:

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