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A train traveled at an average speed of 100 km/hr, stopping for 3 minutes after every 75 km. How long did it take to reach its destination 600 km from the starting point?

6 hrs 21 min
7 hrs 21 min
6 hrs 2 min
6 hrs 10 min
Time needed to travel 600 km =600/100=6 hour
Now we need to find out the number of stops in the 600 km journey. Given that the train stops after every 75 km.
It means, the train stops 7 times before 600 km and 1 time just after 600 km.
Hence we need to take only 7 stops into consideration for the 600 km journey.
Hence, total stopping time in the 600 km journey
=7×3=21 minutes
Total time needed to reach the destination
=6 hours +21 minutes
=6 hours 21 minutes
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