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One year ago, the ratio of Honey and Piyush ages was 2: 3 respectively. After five years from now, this ratio becomes 4: 5. How old is Piyush now?

5 years
25 years
10 years
15 years

We are given that age ratio of Honey: Piyush = 2: 3
Honey’s age = 2x and Piyush’s age = 3x
One year ago, their age was 2x and 3x.
Hence at present, Honey's age = 2x +1 and Piyush's age = 3x +1
After 5 years, Honey’s age = (2x +1) + 5 = (2x + 6)
Piyush's age = (3x +1) + 5 = (3x + 6)
After 5 years, this ratio becomes 4: 5.
Therefore, (2x+6) / (3x+6) = 4/5
10x + 30 = 12x + 24 ⇒ x = 3
Piyush's present age = (3x + 1) = (3x 3 + 1) = 10 years
Honey's present age = (2x + 1) = (2x 3 + 1) = 7 years

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