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A bag contains 25p, 10p and 5p coins in the ratio 2:3:4, amounting to Rs. 242. Find the number of 10p coins.

Let the number of 25p, 10p and 5p coins be 2X, 3X and 4X respectively.
We know that, four 25p coins make 1 rupee and ten 10p coins make 1 rupee and twenty 5 paise coins make 1 rupee.
Amount in rupees corresponding to 2X number of 25p coins = 2X/4=X/2
Amount in rupees corresponding to 3X number of 10p coins = 3X/10
Amount in rupees corresponding to 4X number of 5p coins = 4X/20=X/5
But you know that the total amount is Rs. 242. So you can write,
X/2 + 3X/10 + X/5 = 242
(5x + 3x + 2x) / 10 = 242
10x /10= 242
X = 242
Number of 10p coins = 3 x X = 3 x 242 = 726
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