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There were three partners, A, B, C in a business, and each had a share of the profits in proportion to his capital. A’s capital was Rs.240; B’s Rs.640; and A’ share was Rs.15 in every Rs.100. Find B’s share of profits and C’s capital.

Rs.30 in every Rs.100; Rs.750
Rs.60 in every Rs.100; Rs.700
Rs.50 in every Rs.100; Rs.800
Rs.40 in every Rs.100; Rs.720
A’s share of capital = Rs.15 in every Rs.100
⇒ A’s share = (15/100) × (Total Capital)
⇒ Total capital = (100/15) × A’s share = (100/15) × 240 = Rs.1600
∴ C’s capital = (1600 – 240 – 640) = Rs.720
B’s share of capital = Say Rs.X in every Rs.100
⇒ 640 = (X/100) × 1600
⇒ X = (640/1600) × 100 = Rs.40 in every Rs.100
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