Easy Tutorial
For Competitive Exams

What is the value of a[1] after the following code is executed?
int[] a = {0, 2, 4, 1, 3};
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = a[(a[i] + 3) % a.length];

Here's an explanation of the code:
1. The array a is initialized with values: {0, 2, 4, 1, 3}. 
2. The for loop iterates over each element of the array using the variable i. 
3. Inside the loop, the value of a[i] is updated using the expression a[(a[i] + 3) % a.length]. 
  (i) For i = 0, a[i] is 0. So, a[(0 + 3) % 5] becomes a[3 % 5] which is a[3] (value 1). 
 (ii) For i = 1, a[i] is 2. So, a[(2 + 3) % 5] becomes a[5 % 5] which is a[0] (value 0).  
 (iii) For i = 2, a[i] is 4. So, a[(4 + 3) % 5] becomes a[7 % 5] which is a[2] (value 4). 
 (iv) For i = 3, a[i] is 1. So, a[(1 + 3) % 5] becomes a[4 % 5] which is a[4] (value 3).  
 (v) For i = 4, a[i] is 3. So, a[(3 + 3) % 5] becomes a[6 % 5] which is a[1] (value 2).  
4. After the loop finishes, the modified array a becomes {0, 1, 4, 3, 2}. 
5. Finally, the code prints the value of a[1] using System.out.println(a[1]), which outputs 1.

Therefore, the output of the code is 1.
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