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Previous Year Question Papers NEET 2016 Phase I - Biology Page: 3
26055.Which one of the following statements is wrong?
Glycine is a sulphur containing amino acid.
Sucrose is a disaccharide.
Cellulose is a polysaccharide.
Uracil is a pyrimidine.

Glycine is not a sulphur containing amino acid. Methionine and Cysteins are the only amono-acids that contains sulphur.
26056.Water vapour comes out from the plant leaf through the stomatal opening. Through the same stomatal opening carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant during photosynthesis. Reason out the above statements using one of following options:
One process occurs during day time, and the other at night.
Both processes cannot happen simultaneously.
Both processes can happen together because the diffusion coefficient of water and CO2 is different
The above processes happen only during night time.

Water vapour comes out and CO2 diffuses simultaneously through stomatal openings because diffusion coefficient of water and CO2 is different and it moves along its concentration gradient.
26057.A complex of ribosomes attached to a single strand of RNA is known as:
Okazaki fragment

Many ribosomes are attached to a single strand of mRNA during protein synthesis. It is known as Polysome.
26058.Which one of the following is a characteristic feature of cropland ecosystem?
Ecological succession
Absence of soil organisms
Least genetic diversity
Absence of weeds

Cropland ecosystem has same type of crop plants so it least genetic diversity.
26059.Which of the following is the most important cause of animals and plants being driven to extinction?
Co – extinctions
Over - exploitation
Alien species invasion
Habitat loss and fragmentation

From the Evil quartet Habitat loss and fragmentation due to over population, urbanisation and industrialisation is the major cause of extinction.
26060.In a chloroplast the highest number of protons is found in:
Antennae complex
Lumen of thylakoids
Inter membrane space

Photolysis of water occurs in Lumen of thylakoids.
26061.Which of the following is not required for any of the techniques of DNA fingerprinting available at present?
DNA – DNA hybridization
Polymerase chain reaction
Zinc finger analysis
Restriction enzymes

Zinc finger analysis does not contribute to DNA fingerprinting.
26062.The primitive prokaryotes responsible for the production of biogas from the dung of ruminant animals, include the:

Archaebacteria are considered as most primitive prokaryote which appeared on earth for the first time as it could survive through the anaerobic harsh environment present that time. Halophiles, Thermoacidophiles and Methanogens are Archaebacteria.

Methanogens are present in the rumen of cattle that is present in dung as well. It helps in production of methane gas that is a component of biogas.
26063.Which of the following features is not present in Penplaneta americana?
Metamerically segmented body
Schizocoelom as body cavity
Indeterminate and radial cleavage during embryonic development
Exoskeleton composed of N-acetylglucosamine

Periplanata Americana has:
Schizocoelom as body cavity.
Metameric segmentation.
Exoskeleton of chitin which is made up of N-acetyl glucosamine.
26064.A system of rotating crops with legume or grass pasture to improve soil structure and fertility is called:
Shifting agriculture
Ley farming
Contour farming
Strip farming

Ley agriculture helps to increase soil fertility and improve physical texture of the soil.
26065.Which of the following is wrongly matched in the given table?
Microbe - Product - Application
Clostridium butylicum - Lipase - removal of oil stains
Trichoderma polysporum - Cyclosporin A - Immunosuppressive drug
Monascus purpureus - Statins - lowering of blood cholesterol
Streptococcus - Streptokinase - removal of clot from blood vessel

Clostridium butylicum is the source of acetone. Candida lipolyticum is the source of lepase.
26066.In mammals, which blood vessel would normally carry the largest amount of urea?
Hepatic Portal Vein
Renal Vein
Dorsal Aorta
Hepatic Vein

Urea is produced in the liver, hence Hepatic Vein carries largest amount of urea.
26067.Pick out the correct statements:
(a) Haemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disease
(b) Down’s syndrome is due to aneuploidy.
(c) Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive gene disorder.
(d) Sickle cell anaemia is an X – linked recessive gene disorder.
(a), (b) and (c) are correct.
(a) and (d) are correct.
(b) and (d) are correct
(a), (c) and (d) are correct

Haemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disease in which there is a problem in clotting of blood.
Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21) is caused due to aneuploidy.
Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive gene disorder.
26068.Which of the following guards the opening of the hepatopancreatic duct into the duodenum?
Sphincter of Oddi
Semilunar valve
Deocaecal valve
Pyloric sphincter
26069.Microtubules are the constituents of:
Centrosome, Nucleosome and Centrioles
Cilia, Flagella and Peroxisomes
Spindle fibres, Centrioles and Cilia
Centrioles, Spindle fibres and Chromatin

Peroxisomes is a microbody. Chromatin consist of DNA and proteins. It condenses to form chromosomes. Nucleosome is the basic unit of Chromatin.
26070.The coconut water from tender coconut represents:
Free nuclear endosperm
Fleshy mesocarp
Free nuclear pro-embryo

The free nuclear endosperm is formed by free nuclear divisions in which cytokinesis is not followed by wall formation.
26071.Tricarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium is found in flowers of:

Liliaceae family is a monocot family characterised by Tricarpellary, Syncarpous Gynoceium with superior, trilocular ovary with two ovules in each loculus and placentation axile.
26072.Which of the following is not a stem modification?
Flattened structures of Opuntia
Pitcher of Nepenthes
Thorns of citrus
Tendrils of cucumber

Pitcher of Nepenthes is the modificaiton of leaf lamina whereas Thorns of citrus, Tendrils of cucumber and flattened structures of opuntea are modifications of stem.
26073.The taq polymerase enzyme is obtained from:
Pseudomonas putida
Thermtis aqutaticus
Thiobacillus ferroxidans
Bacillus subtilis

The enzyme taq polymerase enzyme is a thermastable enzyme which is obtained from thermus aquaticus.
26074.Stems modified into flat green organs performing the functions of leaves are known as:

Stems modifies into flat green organs performing the functions of leaves are known as phylloclade whereas phyllode is modification of petiole.
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