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AMCAT Verbal Page: 5
41783.Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given
word. : DELUGE
41784.Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given
41785.Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given
41786.Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given
word. : ENTICE
41787.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Why did Spencer
have a large enthusiastic following in the United States?
Because he believed in Darwins theory of evolution
Because his work was perceived to justify capitalism
Because he was a English philosopher
None of these
41788.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Which of the
following will the author agree to?
Mill, Marx and Darwin are more famous than Spencer as of today.
Spencer is more famous than Mill, Marx and Darwin as of today.
Mill, Darwin, Marx and Spencer are equally famous
Mill, Darwin, Marx and Parsons are very famous today today.
41789.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What does Talcott
Parsons statement, "Who now reads Spencer?" imply?
No one read Spencer in 1937
He is asking a question to his students.
Everyone should read Spencer
None of these
41790.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What could
possibly "laissez-faire" mean as inferred from the context in which it has been
used in the passage?
Not interfered by the government
41791.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : According to the
author, why was Spencer so popular in the 19th Century?
He supported capitalism
He extended Darwins theory of evolution to a lot of things.
He had one broad and simple idea and many specific ideas flowed from it.
He was a friend of Parsons.
41792.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is the author
most likely to agree to in the following?
Darwins idea of evolution preceded that of Spencer
Both Darwin and Spencer got the idea of the evolution at the same time
Spencers idea of evolution preceded that of Darwin
Darwin and Spencer worked on totally different models of evolution
41793.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What must have
been the most-likely response/reaction of the New York audience to Spencers
talk in 1882?
41794.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Which people is
the author referring to in the statement: "people who had limited interest in the
finches of the Galápagos"?
People who were not interested in the bird finch
People who were not interested in finches in particular from Galapagos.
People who were not interested in animal species or natural evolution
People who did not have interest in birds.
41795.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What of the
following is true about Christensen and Mead?
They are in complete disagreement
They are in partial agreement
They are in complete agreement
None of these
41796.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What best
describes the statement: "Build a worse mousetrap and the world will beat a path
to your door." ?
41797.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Which of the
statements is the author of the passage most likely to agree to?
Internet is a successful instance of Christensens innovation model.
Internet is an instance of Christensens model of innovation, but unsuccessful.
Internet is an instance of Meads type I innovation, but unsuccessful.
Internet is an successful instance of Meads type I innovation.
41798.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : According to the
author, what is the problem companies had with the internet?
Its quality never improved.
It helped the consumers.
The companies could not make money with it.
It was an instance of Meads Type II innovation.
41799.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What does the
author imply by the phrase thanks mainly to "The Innovators Dilemma," in the
first paragraph?
The author wants to thank Christenson for writing the book.
The author is obliged to Christenson for writing the book.
The author implies that the phrase "Build a worse…" comes from Christensons book
The author is being sarcastic towards Christensons book.
41800.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Which segment of
society are initial users to Christensens "disruptive technology" and Type One
innovation of Mead?
Economically high and low respectively
Economically low and high respectively
Both economically low
Both economically high
41801.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What does giddy
mean in context of its usage in the third paragraph of the passage?
Those suffering of vertigo
41802.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What does the
statement of Schumpeter imply?
One should make mail coaches instead of rail roads.
One should make rail roads instead of mail coaches.
Incremental changes cannot lead to an innovation
Innovations are irreversible changes.
41803.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is the author
of the passage most likely to agree to?
Social networking has benefited corporate sector to a large extent.
Social networking is not useful for corporate sector.
Social networking may benefit the corporate sector to some extent.
None of these
41804.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : According to the
author, how does social networking help recruitment?
By increasing the reach in a super-linear fashion.
Making available a larger pool of passive candidates.
Since enthusiastic teenagers are also on the network.
None of these
41805.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Which of the
following is an appropriate title for the passage?
Social Networking and Business
Social Networks
Ethics of Social Networking in Business
Social Networking: Pros and Cons
41806.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Which of the
following statements is Reid Hoffman most likely to agree to?
Social network is only useful for recruiting.
Social networking has other uses apart from recruiting.
Social networking has not impacted business much.
The prime use of social networking is for Hedge funds.
41807.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What meaning of
avid could you infer from the passage?
41808.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is the most
probable context in which the author is talking about Pizza Hut?
Social networking did not benefit it.
Social networking was a big success for it.
Social networking created problems for it.
None of these
41809.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Why does the
author call Lotus Connections a social software platform?
Because it is used for knowledge management.
It has a feature to allow employees to interact and cooperate with each other.
Because IBM developed it.
Because the service team can get in touch with the right engineers using it.
41810.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What are the
hurdles that social networking has to overcome in order to benefit the business
Issue of confidentiality.
Misalignment of interests.
Misalignment of interests and confidentiality.
None of these
41811.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is the author
likely to agree to in the following?
Some cultures suffer corruptions while others do not.
Social factors incline a society towards corruption.
Bribery is not a cultural phenomena.
None of these
41812.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Which of the
following the author does not identify as linguistic manifestation of corruption?
Asking for a favour.
Use of double meanings.
Use of quasi-official terminology.
Relate to food item.
41813.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is bribe
generally called in China?
41814.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : In summary what
does the passage primarily suggest and provide evidence for?
Corruption is always concealed in some way, both linguistically and in the process.
Corruption exists only in developing economies.
Corruption is an unethical practice.
Corruption slows down GDP growth.
41815.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What could be the
meaning of the word dissimulation, as can be inferred from the context it is used
in first line of the passage?
41816.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What best
represents the authors attitude towards the rich people in the West?
Mildly critical
Heavily critical
Mildly appreciative
41817.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is the author
most likely to agree to?
People generally do not try to hide money taken as bribe.
People hide money taken as bribe primarily to avoid detection.
People hide money taken as bribe from view even if detection possibility is low.
None of these
41818.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What could be the
meaning of the word obscurantist as inferred from the passage?
41819.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Why does the
author calls progress as peculiar?
Because Modern is good and traditional is bad.
Because of its unbalanced nature.
Because it differs politically and personally.
None of these.
41820.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What do you infer
from the sentence -For some of us, life in …...but emotionally and intellectually?
A person has one leg in one truck and the other in the second truck.
A person meets with an accident.
The nation is moving in two different directions.
The nation is suffering from many road accidents
41821.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : How does the
author feel about Globalisation in India?
41822.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What does the
sentence "We greaten like the maturing head of a hammerhead shark with eyes
looking in diametrically opposite directions. implies?
Indian people are barbaric in nature.
We are progressing in some areas and regressing in the others.
India has a diverse culture.
Some people are modern while the others are traditional in approach.
41823.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What do you infer
from the sentence in context of the passage-India lives in several centuries at the
same time.?
We are progressing in some areas and regressing in the others.
People from different countries are living in India.
India has a diverse culture.
Some people are modern while the others are traditional in approach.
41824.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What do you infer
from the following lines-In the lane behind my house, every night I walk past road
gangs of emaciated labourers digging a trench to lay fiber-optic cables to speed
up our digital revolution. In the bitter winter cold, they work by the light of a few
candles. ?
India has a balanced mixture of both traditional and modern people.
Progress is unbalanced.
Digital revolution is very important for our economic growth.
There is shortage of electricity in India.
41825.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What does the
phrase "cultural insult" imply?
People from one culture do not respect people from the other cultures.
Disrespect of British towards Indian Culture.
White peoples definition for us.
Ill-treatment at hands of British
41826.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Why does the
response towards Globalisation in India differs in different parts of India?
Due to different literacy levels.
Due to religious diversity in India.
It will not benefit all sections of the society.
It may not have all the answers to Indias current problems.
41827.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is the phrase
Sacrificing merit referring to?
Killing merit.
Selection on basis of merit.
Encouraging reservation
None of these
41828.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What do you
mean by the word Egalitarian?
Characterized by belief in the equality of all people.
Characterized by belief in the inequality of all people.
Another word for reservations.
41829.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What does the
statement- and not to convert it into a fetish of ‘political correctness’ in the
passage imply?
Reservation issue should not be converted into a political propaganda.
Reservation issue should not be based on caste alone.
Reservation issue should be left to the ruling government.
None of these.
41830.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is the author
most likely to agree with?
Caste-based reservation is the answer to Indias problems.
Gender-based reservation is the answer to Indias problems.
There is no solution to bridge the gap between privileged and underprivileged.
None of these.
41831.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What do you
mean by the word Votaries?
41832.Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What do you infer
from the sentence The idea of caste-based reservations is justified by the logic of
social justice ?
backward classes.
Caste-based reservation will help in providing opportunities to the socially
Caste-based reservation will lead to social equality amongst all classes.
Caste-based reservation will help backward classes actualise their potential.
All of these
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