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SSC CGL Tier1 English Language Phrases and Idioms Test 5

37971.It is no longer easy to strike gold in Shakespeare s research since much work has already been done on him.
Hit a golden spot
Come across gold
Come across the word "gold"
Uncover or find a valuable line of argument or information
37972.Sanjay is very different about passing the Civil Services Examination this year.
Dead sure of
Very hopeful of
Lacking self confidence about
Reasonably certain of
37973.Why must you look a gift horse in the mouth ?
welcome a gift
find fault with a gift
be fastidious
examine a gift carefully
37974.Dowry is a burning question of the day.
a widely debated issue
a dying issue
a relevant problem
an irrelevant issue
37975.Leaders should not only make speeches they should also be prepared to to bell the cat.
To take lead in danger.
To tie bell to a cats neck
To be alert of the enemy
To make noise
37976.The popularity of the yesterday s superstar is on the wane.
at its peak
at rock bottom
growing more
growing less
37977.He is an interesting speaker but tends to go off at a tangent.
change the subject immediately
forget things in between
go on at great length
become boisterous
37978.He sold his house for a song.
at a reasonable price
at a discount
very cheaply
at a premium
37979.Despite the trust bestowed on the minister he turned out to be a snake in the grass during the revolution.
a secret enemy
a treacherous person
an unforeseen danger
an unexpected misfortune
37980.Women should be paid the same as men when they do the same job, for, surely what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
What is thought suitable pay for a man should also be for a woman
Goose and the gender eat the same sauce
Both goose and gander should be equally treated
The principle of equal treatment should be implemented
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