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SSC CGL Tier1 English Language Error Spotting Test 6

35807.Solve as per the instructions given above
All the furnitures have been
sent to the new house
located in a village.
No error.
35808.Solve as per the instructions given above
It does not matter how you do it;
what I want is that
you should finish the work within a month.
No error.
35809.Solve as per the instructions given above
Though senior in age,
his father is junior than
my father in service.
No error.
35810.Solve as per the instructions given above
While walking slowly in the park
on a quiet summer afternoon
a mad dog suddenly attacked him from behind
No error.
35811.Solve as per the instructions given above
Everyone visiting the house asked the young girl
how could she kill the wolf
single handed and without a weapon.
No error.
35812.Solve as per the instructions given above
Many health-conscious people
prefer margarine
than butter.
No error.
35813.Solve as per the instructions given above
The retiring principal asked his old pupils
to take the interest in the school
after he has retired.
No error.
35814.Solve as per the instructions given above
Scarcely had I
finished washing the car
than the master came
and asked me to clean the floor of the house.
35815.Solve as per the instructions given above
At present juncture
however, the supercomputer
would be a costly toy.
No error.
35816.Solve as per the instructions given above
The crews were on board,
and they soon busied themselves
in preparing to meet the storm.
No error.
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