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NEET - Biology Digestion and Absorption Practice Q & A Page: 5
16623.Match the types of cells listed under column I with the secretions given under column II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of the alphabets of the two columns.
Column - I (Types of cells) Column — II (Secretions)
(A)Beta cells(p)Lysozyme
(B)Mast cells(q)Mucus
(C)Paneth cells(r)Histamine
(D)Acinar cells(s)Insulin
(t)Pancreatic enzymes
A – s, B – r, C – p, D – t
A – q, B – r, C – p, D – t
A – s, B – q, C – p, D – t
A – t, B – q, C – r, D – s
16624.Which one of the following pairs of the kind of cells and their secretion of correctly matched?
Oxyntic cells — A secretion with pH between 2.0 and 3.0
Alpha cells of islets of Langerhans — Secretion that decreases blood sugar level
Kupffer cells — A digestive enzyme that hydrolyses nucleic acids
Sebaceous glands — A secretion that evaporates for cooling
16625.Which vitamin can be synthesized by bacteria inside gut?
Vitamin B1
Vitamin C
Vitamin K
Vitamin D
16626.Column I contains names of the sphincter muscles of the alimentary canal and column II contains their locations. Match them properly and choose the correct answer.
Column I Column II
ASphincter of ani internuspopening of hepatopancreatic duct into duodenum
BCardiac sphincterqbetween duodenum and posterior stomach
CSphincter of oddirguarding the terminal part of alimentary canal
DIleocaecal sphinctersbetween esophagus and anterior stomach
EPyloric sphinctertBetween small intestine and bowel
A = r, B = q, C = s, D = p, E = t
A = q, B = t, C = p, D = s, E = r
A = r, B = s, C = p, D = t, E = q
A = s, B = r, C = p, D = q, E = t
16627.Which one of the following statement is not correct about intestinal villi?
A multitudinous finger-like projections having many microvilli
Increase the internal surface area of the intestinal wall.
Supplied with capillaries and the lacteal vessels
Participate only in digestion of fats

Consider the following statements:

(A) Niacin (the anti-pellagra vitamin) is present in meats, fish, peanuts, poultry, fruits and leafy green vegetables.

(B) Crypts of Lieberkuhn are present in the liver

(C) Steapsin is the pancreatic amylase

A and C correct
A and C incorrect
B and C correct
B and C incorrect
16629.The following list describes four major digestive enzymes. Which one of the following is incorrect?
Salivary amylase - Salivary glands - Mouth
Pepsin - Gastric glands - Stomach
Nuclease - Small intestine - Stomach
Lipase - Pancreas - Small intestine
16630.Deficiency of vitamin D can lead to
lips fissure
16631.Carrier ions like Na+ facilitate the absorption of substances like
Fructose and some amino acids
Amino acids and glucose
Glucose and fatty acids
Fatty acids and glycerol
16632.Anxiety and eating spicy food together in an otherwise normal human, may lead to
16633.Which one of the following is the correct matching of the site of action on the given substrate, the enzyme acting upon it and the end product?
Stomach:Fats $\xrightarrow{\text{Lipase}}$ micelles
Duodenum:Triglycerides $\xrightarrow{\text{trypsin}}$ monoglycerides
Small intestine:starch $\xrightarrow{\text{(α)amylase}}$ Disaccharide (Maltose)
Small intestine:proteins $\xrightarrow{\text{pepsin}}$ amino acids
16634.What will happen if the secretion of parietal cells of gastric glands is blocked with an inhibitor?
Enterokinase will not be released from the duodenal mucosa and so trypsinogen is not converted to trypsin
Gastric juice will be deficient in chymosin
Gastric juice will be deficient in pepsinogen
In the absence of HCl secretion, inactive pepsinogen is not converted into the active enzyme pepsin.
16635.The diagram of large intestine of man is given below. Identify the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E and F.
Large Intestine of Man
A = Caecum, B = Vermiform appendix, C = Sigmoid, D = Ascending colon, E = Transverse colon, F = Descending colon.
A = Sigmoid, B = Vermiform appendix, C = Ascending colon, D = Transverse colon, E = Descending colon, F = Caecum.
A = Sigmoid, B = Vermiform appendix, C = Descending colon, D = Transverse colon, E = Ascending colon, F = Caecum.
A = Caecum, B = Vermiform appendix, C = Ascending colon, D = Transverse colon, E = Descending colon, F = Sigmoid.
16636.Bile contribution to digestion is
Nucleic acid metabolism
Emulsification of dietary lipids
Carbohydrate digestion
16637.Intestinal villi are mainly connected with
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