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NEET - Biology Digestion and Absorption Practice Q & A Page: 4
16603.Enterokinase occurs in
Salivary juice
Gastric juice
Intestinal juice
Pancreatic juice
16604.A young infant may be feeding entirely on mother's milk which is white in colour but the stool which the infant passes out is quite yellowish. What is this yellow colour due to
Pancreatic juice poured into duodenum
Intestinal juice
Bile pigments passed through bile juice
Undigested milk protein casein
16605.Keratinization of the skin is prevented by
Vitamin D
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
16606.During prolonged fasting, in what sequence are the following organic compounds used up by the body?
First carbohydrates, next proteins and lastly lipids
First carbohydrates, next fats and lastly proteins
First fats, next carbohydrates and lastly proteins
First proteins next lipids and lastly carbohydrates
16607.To prevent entry of food into the trachea the opening is guarded by
Hard palate
Soft palate
16608.Which one of the following pairs of food components in humans reaches the stomach totally undigested?
Starch and cellulose
Protein and starch
Starch and fat
Fat and cellulose
16609.Continued consumption of a diet rich in butter, red meat and eggs for a long period may lead to
urine laden with ketone bodies
kidney stones
vitamin A toxicity
16610.Sericteries are modified ______.
intestinal glands
endocrine glands
gastric glands
Salivary glands
16611.Enzymes that is found on the mucosa of the intestinal villi is
16612.Which one of the followings is a fat-soluble vitamin and its related deficiency disease?
Retinol – Xerophthalmia
Ascorbic acid – Scurvy
Calciferol – Pellagra
Cobalamin – Beri-beri
16613.The main function of lacteals in the villi of human small intestine is the absorption of______.
Water and mineral salts
Amino acids and glucose
Glucose and vitamins
Fatty acids and glycerol
16614.Sphincter of Oddi guards
Hepatopancreatic duct
Common bile duct
Pancreatic duct
Cystic duct
16615.Liver is the largest gland in the body and associated with various functions. Choose the incorrect one from the followings.
Processes and stores nutrients
Involved in blood glucose homeostasis
Produces bile for emulsification of fats
Secrete hormone called gastric
16616.The backflow of faecal matter in the large intestine is prevented by the presence of
pyloric sphincter
sphincter of Oddi
ileocecal (ileocaecal) valve
gastric-oesophageal sphincter
16617.Epithelial cells of intestine involved in food absorption have on their surface
Zymogen granules
Phagocytic vesicles
Pinocytic vesicles
16618.Peyer's patches found in the small intestine are
Epithelial tissue
Glandular tissue
Lymphatic tissue
Haemopoietic tissue
16619.Match List I with List II and choose the correct option.
List I List II
(a)Salivary amylase(i)Proteins
(b)Bile salts(ii)Milk proteins
(e)Steapsin(v)Emulsification of fats
a – v, b – iv, c – i, d – ii, e – iii
a – ii, b – iii, c – iv, d – v, e – i
a – ii, b – iv, c – iii, d – I, e – v
a – iii, b – v, c – ii, d – i, e – iv
16620.Match column I with column II and choose the correct option.
Column I Column II
(i)Goblet cells(a)Antibacterial agent
(iv)Oxyntic cells(d)Sublingual gland
i – a, ii – c, iii – d, iv – b
i – b, ii – c, iii – a, iv – d
i – d, ii – a, iii – b, iv – c
i – b, ii – a, iii – d, iv – c
16621.Which factor is required for maturation of erythrocytes?
Vitamin A
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D

Read the statements A and B.

A) The human small intestine is the longest portion in the alimentary canal

B) Absorption of digested food requires a very large surface area

Identify the correct choice on the two statements.

Statements A and B are both correct.
Statement A is correct, B is wrong.
Statement B is correct, A is wrong.
Both the statements are wrong.
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