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What will be the output of the following program on GCC?


int message();

int main() {

int x,y,z;


z=++x && ++y || ++z;

printf(" x=%d y=%d z=%d\n", x,y,z);

return 0;


x=0 y=-1 z=0
x=0 y=-1 z=1
x=0 y=1 z=0
Compiler Error

The operator `&&` has higher priority than the operator `||`. In the expression " z= (++x && ++y) || ++z", the value of x is incremented to 0 i.e. false value. Since, the 1st condition of && evaluates to false, 2nd condition of && operator is not tested and y remains unchanged.

Now, expression becomes "z = 0 || ++z". If the first condition of || operator evaluates to false, the 2nd condition of the operator will be tested also. Thus, value of z is incremented to 0. Finally, the result of the expression i.e. 0 is assigned to z.

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